Grand Alliance Chaos
In the tumultuous and dark world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, the Grand Alliance Chaos looms as a formidable and malevolent force, representing the insidious and chaotic powers that threaten to engulf the realms in eternal darkness. This alliance comprises a diverse array of factions, each devoted to a malevolent Chaos God and driven by their own sinister objectives.
- Faction Pack: Blades of Khorne (ENG) 74-20Special Price £8.93 £7.44 Regular Price £12.76In stock
- Faction Pack: Slaves to Darkness (ENG) 74-19Special Price £10.85 £9.04 Regular Price £15.49In stock
- Faction Pack : Hesonites of Slaanesh ENG 74-23Special Price £8.92 £7.43 Regular Price £12.74In stock
- Faction Pack : Maggotkin of Nurgle (ENG) 74-22Special Price £7.36 £6.13 Regular Price £10.50In stock
- Faction Pack: Disciples of Tzeentch ENG 74-21Special Price £8.92 £7.43 Regular Price £12.74In stock
- Slaves to Darkness Darkoath Marauders 83-52Special Price £23.80 £19.83 Regular Price £34.00In stock
- Slaves to Darkness Nexus Chaotica 80-54Special Price £25.90 £21.58 Regular Price £37.00In stock
- Slaves to Darkness Darkoath Fellriders 83-54Special Price £28.00 £23.33 Regular Price £40.00In stock
- Slaves to Darkness Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed 83-53Special Price £22.06 £18.38 Regular Price £31.50In stock
- Hedonites of Slaanesh Lord of Hubris 83-96Special Price £16.80 £14.00 Regular Price £24.00In stock
- Blades of Khorne Realmgore Ritualist 83-22Special Price £16.80 £14.00 Regular Price £24.00In stock
- Slaves to Darkness Eternus Blade of the First Prince 83-66Special Price £28.00 £23.33 Regular Price £40.00In stock
- Battletome Beasts of Chaos Hardback 81-01Special Price £22.75 £22.75 Regular Price £32.50In stock
- Vanguard Maggotkin of Nurgle 70-01Special Price £61.25 £51.04 Regular Price £87.50PRE Order item which will be shipped on from the available dateIn stock
- Battletome Maggotkin Of Nurgle Hardback 83-58Special Price £22.75 £22.75 Regular Price £32.50PRE Order item which will be shipped on from the available dateIn stock
- Hedonites Myrmidesh Painbringers Slaanesh 83-90Special Price £28.00 £23.33 Regular Price £40.00In stock
- Hedonites Shardspeaker of Slaanesh 83-88Special Price £14.35 £11.96 Regular Price £20.50In stock