Getting started with Painting Citadel Warhammer Miniatures

Getting started with Painting Citadel Warhammer Miniatures
21 July 2023 54 view(s)
Getting started with Painting Citadel Warhammer Miniatures

Getting started with painting Citadel Warhammer Miniatures can be a fun and rewarding hobby. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you begin your painting journey:

  1. Assemble your Miniatures: If your miniatures come in multiple parts, start by carefully assembling them following the instructions provided by Games Workshop. Use plastic glue or super glue (depending on the material) and allow them to dry completely before moving on to painting.

  2. Gather Your Painting Supplies: To get started, you'll need the basic painting supplies, which may include:

  • Citadel paints (Base, Layer, Shade, etc.) or Citadel Air paints if you plan to use an airbrush.
  • A set of paintbrushes (e.g. Basecoat brush, Layer brush, Detail brush).
  • A palette or paint palette pad to mix and thin your paints.
  • A water cup for cleaning your brushes.
  • Optional: An airbrush and airbrush setup if you plan to use Citadel Air paints.
  • Miniature primer (e.g., Citadel spray primer) to create a good surface for paint adhesion.
  1. Set Up Your Workspace: Find a well-lit and well-ventilated area to paint. Cover your workspace with a drop cloth or newspaper to protect it from paint spills and splatters.

  2. Prime Your Miniatures: Before painting, it's essential to apply a primer to your miniatures. Use a miniature primer that matches the color scheme you plan to use (e.g., black, white, or grey). Priming ensures better paint adhesion and improves the overall quality of your painted miniatures.

  3. Plan Your Color Scheme: Decide on the color scheme you want to use for your miniatures. You can follow the official color schemes from Games Workshop or come up with your own unique designs.

  4. Basecoat: Start by applying the base colors to your miniatures. Use the Base paints for this step, and cover the main areas with the appropriate colors. Thin your paints with a bit of water for smoother application.

  5. Layering: Once the base coats are dry, use the Layer paints to add highlights and shading to your miniatures. This step adds depth and dimension to your models.

  6. Washing (Shading): Apply washes (Shade paints) to the recessed areas of the miniatures to create shadows and enhance the details. The washes will flow into the crevices and add depth to your models.

  7. Detailing: Use fine-tipped brushes and possibly different paint types like dry paints or glazes for detailing. Add highlights, accents, and intricate patterns to make your miniatures stand out.

  8. Basing (Optional): Consider creating bases for your miniatures using texture paints, flock, or other materials to match the theme of your army or add to the overall presentation.

  9. Varnish (Optional): Once your miniatures are painted and fully dry, you may choose to apply a clear varnish to protect the paint job and give your miniatures a nice finish.

Remember, practice is essential to improve your painting skills. Don't worry about perfection at the beginning—enjoy the process and have fun creating your Warhammer miniatures! There are numerous online tutorials, guides, and community forums where you can learn advanced techniques and get inspiration from other painters.

If you are looking for a place to start Games Workshop offer a number is great start sets including the Infernus Space Marines Paint Set, the
Warhammer 40000 Paints and Tools Set and the Tyranid Termigants & Ripper Swarm Paint Set

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about painting Citadel Warhammer miniatures;

Do I need any painting experience to start painting Citadel Warhammer miniatures?

No, you don't need prior painting experience. Painting miniatures can be enjoyed by beginners and experienced painters alike. Games Workshop provides a range of paints and tools suitable for all skill levels.

Can I use non-Citadel paints to paint my miniatures?

Yes, you can use non-Citadel paints to paint your miniatures. However, keep in mind that different paint brands may have slightly different consistencies and pigmentation, so you might need to adjust your techniques accordingly.

Should I prime my miniatures before painting them?

Yes, it is highly recommended to prime your miniatures before painting. Priming creates a good surface for the paint to adhere to, and it helps improve the overall quality and longevity of your paint job.

How do I thin Citadel paints?

Citadel paints can be thinned using water or a specific acrylic medium. It's essential to use only a small amount of water or medium at a time to avoid over-thinning the paint.

Can I paint directly on bare plastic or metal miniatures without priming?

While you technically can, priming is strongly advised for better paint adhesion and smoother results. Painting on bare plastic or metal may result in uneven paint application and chipping over time.

What are Contrast paints, and how do I use them?

Contrast paints are a type of Citadel paint designed to speed up the painting process. They have high pigmentation and are used directly over a light-colored primer to create instant shading and highlights in a single step.

How do I prevent my brushes from becoming stiff or frayed?

To prevent your brushes from becoming stiff or frayed, always rinse them thoroughly with water after each painting session. Use a brush soap or mild shampoo occasionally to clean the bristles gently. Store brushes horizontally or with their bristles facing upwards to maintain their shape.

How can I achieve smooth blends and highlights on my miniatures?

Smooth blends and highlights can be achieved through layering techniques. Gradually build up the colors by applying lighter tones over darker ones, using thinner paints as you go. Practice and patience are essential to master this skill.

Are there any quick tips for improving my painting skills?

Yes, here are a few quick tips: practice regularly, watch painting tutorials online, experiment with different techniques, use proper lighting, and join a painting community to learn from others and get feedback.

Can I strip the paint from my miniatures if I'm not happy with the results?

Yes, you can strip the paint from your miniatures using paint strippers specifically designed for miniatures. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and safety guidelines when using paint strippers.


Remember, painting miniatures is an art form, and it's okay to make mistakes. Enjoy the process, be patient with yourself, and have fun creating your Warhammer miniatures!

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