4 Dirty Little Secrets About the Warhammer Industry

4 Dirty Little Secrets About the Warhammer Industry
25 April 2023 58 view(s)
4 Dirty Little Secrets About the Warhammer Industry

4 Dirty Little Secrets About the Warhammer Industry

The 40K product has long been a favorite among gamers and hobbyists alike. Game Workshop being at the head of this hobby. There are a few dirty little secrets that the industry would rather keep hidden from the public eye.

The industry has been captivating fantasy and sci-fi enthusiasts for decades. From the intricate designs of the characters and creatures to the expansive universe of 40K, there's always something new to discover. However, beyond the well-known elements of the franchise, there are a few secrets that are not widely known.

Secret 1: Games Workshop Limited is More Than Just Warhammer

While Warhammer is the most popular aspect of Games Workshop, the company has a rich history of producing other tabletop games.

One of their best games outside warhammer 40K is Blood Bowl a fantasy football game. This game allows Players create teams of goblin or human players in a violent and often hilarious version of the sport.

There are other products like Necromunda, Warhammer Quest, Talisman and The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game.

Secret 2: The Iconic Aquila Double-Headed Eagle Logo Represents More Than Just Warhammer

The Aquila Double-Headed Eagle logo has become synonymous with Warhammer.

However, the logo has a much broader history and significance. The double headed eagle has been a symbol of power and strength throughout history.

Used by many cultures and empires, including the Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire. The logo has been with Games Workshop since 1975 and has become an iconic symbol for the company. This represents not only Warhammer but also the strength and power of the Imperium of Man in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

Secret 3: The Characters and Creatures of Warhammer are Based on Real-World Mythology and History

The Warhammer realm contains an array of interesting personalities and entities, from valiant space marine 40k warhammer to the grotesque goblins. Many of these characters and creatures have origins in real-world mythology and history. The Stormcast Eternals' Sigmar Battletome draws influence from Norse mythology, while the Orcs and Goblins are modeled after Celtic faeries and the Welsh Gwyllgi from mythology. The Warhammer universe also draws inspiration from real-world historical events, such as the Holy Roman Empire and the Crusades.

Secret 4: Games Workshop Has a Rich History of Producing High-Quality Illustrations and Images

Games Workshop's attention to detail extends beyond just the tabletop games they produce. The company has a rich history of producing high-quality illustrations and images to accompany their games and lore.

Games Workshop has consistently produced stunning artwork, from Space Marine illustrations to the llustrations of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battletomes.

In addition, the company produces magazines like White Dwarf, which feature articles, reviews, and images related to their tabletop games.

The Warhammer industry is more than just a tabletop game franchise. Booasting a rich history of iconic logos and symbols, inspirations from real-world mythology and history. There is always something new to discover in the Warhammer universe. Additionally, Games Workshop's attention to detail and high-quality illustrations and images add depth and richness to the franchise. As we head into 2023, we can look forward to new characters, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, and weapons to explore and enjoy in the Warhammer universe.

Warhammer Community

Warhammer Community is an official website run by Games Workshop for enthusiasts. It serves as a platform for fans to stay updated with the latest news and releases, engage with the community, and share their own creations and experiences.

The website is regularly updated with articles, videos, and podcasts on various topics related to Warhammer. These range from hobby tips and painting tutorials to battle reports and lore discussions. The website also features interviews with developers and designers at Games Workshop, giving fans insights into the creation process behind the games.

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